World Mental Health Day 2020
Hairdressers worldwide have endured the same ups and downs together with salon closures and re-openings worldwide. This World Mental Health Day couldn't be more critical as we find ways to cope with an exhausting, unique year. The hair industry promotes confidence and self-esteem via hair services and products. Often, hairdressers themselves neglect their mental well-being to focus on their clients. Hair professionals, this ones for you.
Take a moment to read this, pause and regroup. Let's foster a healthy environment for your mental health every day!
American ideals place a strong emphasis on the workforce. So much, the value of mental health and time off takes a back seat to a competitive workforce that promotes working around the clock. This year, among many other things, will be known as the year we all paused. This period to break has helped us reflect on what truly makes us happy, with ample time to show ourselves love and care.
World Mental Health Day is observed annually on October 10th. This day's objective is to raise awareness of mental health issues and mobilize efforts in support of mental health. At OLAPLEX, our entire mission centers around health. We believe that with healthy hair, we can promote healthy lives with benefits like self-confidence from self-care acts.
Ending the stigma of mental health issues starts from within, recognizing first that mental health suffering doesn't mean something is 'wrong' with you. Mental health care may look like a day out in nature, Netflix and chilling at home with an OLAPLEX treatment or talking to a mental health care professional. Prioritize your schedule for regular time to renew energy, de-stress, and become inspired again.
Mental health isn't just for the depressed; it may be several factors, including anxiety. Something many hairdressers who book themselves back-to-back know! With anxiety, you're always living in sensory and emotional overload while keeping it together to accomplish tasks. Anxiety can make it hard to get a good night's sleep when your mind is working overtime. On the other end of the spectrum, depression can make you feel like you don't want to do anything at all.
For many hairdressers, mental health means loving and caring for yourself the way you do for your clients. It may be a strange concept coming from those who hardly make time to take a lunch break, but you are entirely worth a pause for wellness. Consider a day to yourself full of self-care rituals, healthy foods, relaxation, and reflection. If talking through any issues that need working through, speak with a therapist, life coach, or a friend with an open ear.
If you see a colleague, friend, or family member in need, but are unsure how to help, here are some tips that can help. Those struggling with mental health may not answer "how are you?" with how they truly feel. Rather than putting them on the spot, offer questions that encourage conversation and well being, such as:
Asking if there's anything you can help them with.
Reminding them they're not alone.
Telling them you miss them.
Sharing something that made you think of them. Offer to run an errand for them.
Share music or something funny with them.