The Olaplex Shine

We love a good double take… you know, the kind you get when your lustrous locks are glimmering in good lighting. There are oils, serums, and sprays that aid in the hair shine department, but we’re talking about a different kind of shine. We’re talking about the Olaplex shine, the type of shine that occurs when hair is truly healthy from the inside out. Without healthy hair, tresses tend to look flat and subdued. Now, with an entire range of treatments, shampoo, conditioner, and a new styling product– Olaplex gives consumers everywhere the chance to shine from the inside out!

Treating the hair with Olaplex rebuilds the bonds in the hair internally, making it stronger than before each and every time. This means with regular use of Olaplex’s patented technology, your hair is getting healthier and healthier. Olaplex isn’t oil that coats the hair by making it look healthy externally, nor does it wash out. What Olaplex does is unlike any other product, it does one thing, it makes your hair healthy by rebuilding the broken bonds permanently (or until damage occurs again). Healthy hair not only means stronger bonds, it means longer lasting color, more uniform texture, and of course, luminous shine.

I’ve been a devoted Olaplex user for the past 4 years now. Over the years, I’ve incorporated Olaplex into my lifestyle via weekly treatments and now with new additions to the line like 4-5-6 my hair has never been healthier. I dare to say my hair is thriving, if you’d have seen me 5 years ago you’d understand (think crispy, crunchy, and split). I’m able to not only feel confident about my hair but style it with ease knowing it’s healthy from the inside out. Before when I gave myself treatments, my hair would look so shiny and feel so thick, now with No.6 in the mix, I can give my hair styling pick-me-ups throughout the day for an extra pop up health and shine. My usual serums and hair oils now last me longer as I’m not having to douse my hair in them for topical shine!

#OlaplexShine has been trending on Instagram with photos of red carpet worthy shiny locks thanks to Olaplex. Nothing gets more exciting than seeing your hair thrive in every way possible! If you’re an Olaplex lover, you know exactly what we’re talking about. If you’re new to Olaplex, start with an at-home treatment with Olaplex No.3– you will be amazed at how wonderful your hair feels! You don’t have to use the entire line to experience the benefits of Olaplex, but it certainly will help!

Find out for yourself and let Olaplex help you cut down the time it takes to add shine to your hair with products, by simply making it so healthy, it shines. You can purchase Olaplex at professional salons, Sephora, and

The post The Olaplex Shine appeared first on Olaplex.