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Reclaiming Your Space During The Busiest Time of Year
August 22, 2024

Reclaiming Your Space During The Busiest Time of Year

During the busiest time of year, challenge yourself to reclaim your space and make time for you. Seeing self-care as a gratitude practice can help shape and better the relationship you have within. What are you most grateful for this year? How can you use that gratitude towards a mindful practice that allows you time to pause? As the year comes to a close, we are choosing to channel self-care with gratitude for our bodies from head to toe.


We have so much more time than we think. Take 30 minutes each day to do something for you. It doesn’t have to be a consecutive 30 minutes, you can break the time up to several intentional moments throughout the day. Start the morning with a guided meditation, then write affirmations to manifest abundance and intentions into your life. Meditation is a practice to quiet down the thoughts in our head and focus on stillness. That’s something we could all use this time of year and always.


Now that we have our minds sorted, taking care of our bodies is essential! This is the fun part, where self-care comes as hair treatments and masks, yoga classes, running — anything that helps you feel good. Movement is vital to our survival and health, it uplifts our mood and keeps us strong. Move your body, then treat yourself to some hair therapy with an at home OLAPLEX treatment because when you look good you feel good!


There’s a theme here, and it’s taking care of your mind, body, and soul. There’s a lot asked of you this season, so much that it can feel heavy. Empower yourself to protect your yeses by saying no to what you do not have space for. It’s okay to not attend the third holiday party of the week, or take a day for you in between the madness. Overextending yourself leads to fatigue, and that’s no way to start a new year!


When it comes to showing up for yourself, there are no right or wrongs — these are just some of our favorites. The important thing is to gift yourself space to do what feels good for you!

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